International Logistics & Chartering GmbH
Address: Freisinger Straße 6, 85307 Paunzhausen (Germany)
Telephone: +49 (0) 8444 / 9177 – 10
Fax: +49 (0) 8444 / 9177 – 13
Director: Sergey Morev
VAT: DE812981146
- Organization of shipments ex China via Rijeka and/or Constanta to various destinations in Europe
- Warehousing of the general cargo in Constanta, Romania and Brest, Belarus.
- Organization of transport on Danube river
- Railway transport from European Countries to Central Asia: Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tadjikistan
- Transport of project overweight and overmeasurement cargoes via warehouse in Constanta using the Volgo-Don Channel (May/October navigation) destination to Caspian Sea Ports: Astrakhanj, Russian Federation, Aktau, Kazakhstan, Turkmenbashi, Turkmenistan, Baku, Azerbajdjan, Bandar Anzali and Nowshahr , Iran.